MGM Marketing


MGM Marketing

Bespoke Social Media Marketing

MGM Marketing specialises in empowering local tattoo studios and hair salons to thrive online by managing and expanding their social media presence.

In an increasingly competitive market, establishing a strong online presence is key for businesses to reach wider audiences and remain relevant online. However, many tattoo studios and hair salons lack the time, expertise, or resources to effectively manage their social media platforms. This is where MGM Marketing steps in.

Our Services

While our core focus is comprehensive social media management, we understand that some clients may have specific needs or budget constraints which is why we offer a range of flexible one-off services, including coaching calls, in-person sessions, assessment and strategy calls, and branding consultations. Whether packaged together or utilised individually, our one-off services are designed to offer maximum impact for maximum value. By leveraging data-driven insights and continuous optimisation, we maximise the impact of our campaigns and deliver measurable results that drive business growth.

Our Approach

At MGM Marketing, our understanding of the unique needs and challenges of tattoo studios and hair salons is informed by our firsthand experience as consumers interacting with these businesses, understanding their processes, and encountering any obstacles they face. This knowledge, paired with our tailored approach and expertise in digital marketing gives us a deeper understanding of the customer experience and pain points that may not be immediately apparent to others and positions us as the ideal partner to assist businesses in achieving their goals in a changing digital landscape.

Interested in working with us?

Contact us to book a consultation and build a bespoke package at  enquiries (at) .